B.A. Gennart, B. Krummenacher, L. Landron, R.D. Hersch
Proc. The World Transputer Congress, Sept. 1994, in DeGloria et al. editor, 120-135
Professionals in various fields such as medical imaging, biology and civil engineering require rapid access to huge amounts of uncompressed pixmap image data. Multi-media interfaces further increase the need for large image databases. In order to fulfill these requirements, the GigaView parallel image server architecture relies on arrays of intelligent disk nodes, each disk node being composed of one processor and one disk. This contribution analyzes through simulation and experimentation the behavior of the GigaView under single and multiple requests, and compares it to the behavior of RAID servers. We evaluate image visualization window access times under various parameters such as load factors and the number of cooperating disk nodes. The behavior of the GigaView image server can be modeled under single requests as a single high-throughput low-latency secondary storage media and under multiple requests as a fixed service time server.
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