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Fourier spectrum of curvilinear gratings of the second order

I. Amidror

Journal of the Optical Society of America A, Vol. 15, No. 4, 1998, pp. 900-913.

The class of second-order curvilinear gratings consists of all the curvilinear gratings which are obtained by second-order spatial transformations of periodic gratings. It includes, for example, circular, elliptic and hyperbolic gratings as well as circular, elliptic and hyperbolic zone-plates. Such structures occur quite frequently in optics, and their Fourier transforms may arise, for instance, in connection with the Fraunhofer diffraction patterns generated by these structures. In this paper we present the 2D Fourier spectra of the most important second-order curvilinear gratings, for gratings having any desired intensity profile (cosinusoidal, sawtooth wave, square wave, etc.). These analytic results are also illustrated by figures showing the various gratings and their spectra as they are obtained on computer by 2D FFT.

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Last modified: 2007/09/26 21:27:24