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[Publications] [GigaServer]

A Parallel PC-based Visible Human Slice WEB Server

S. Vetsch, V. Messerli, O. Figueiredo, B. Gennart, R. D. Hersch, L. Bovisi, R. Welz, L. Bidaut

Proceedings of the Second Visible Human Project Conference, October 1-2, 1998, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland,

Visualization of 3D tomographic images by slicing, i.e. by intersecting a 3D tomographic image with a plane having any desired position and orientation is a tool of choice both for learning and for diagnosis purposes. In this project, a parallel Visible Human Slice Web server has been developed, which offers to any Web client the capability of interactively specifying the exact position and orientation of a desired slice and of requesting and obtaining that slice from a 3D tomographic volume, made of either CT, MRI or cryosection images (digital color photographs of cross-sections). For interactive slice position and orientation, a miniature 3D version of the full image is used.

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Last modified: 2007/09/26 21:25:36